Tariffs to be raised on goods made in China

  • Effective Date: May 14, 2024
  • Affected Regions: North America
  • Advisory Type: Tariff

Dear Valued Customer,


After the required four-year review of the Section 301 Trade Tariffs from China, United States Trade Representative (USTR) announced their recommendation that Section 301 tariffs should remain and proposed increases in tariffs on a variety of products “to encourage the elimination of the People’s Republic of China’s unfair technology transfer-related policies and practices that continue to burden U.S. commerce and harm American workers and businesses,” said Ambassador Katherine Tai.


Proposed tariff increases

In the report of the four-year review of the China tariffs, Ambassador Tai will propose the following modifications in strategic sectors:


Battery parts (non-lithium-ion batteries)                                Increase rate to 25% in 2024

Electric vehicles                                                                      Increase rate to 100% in 2024

Facemasks                                                                               Increase rate to 25% in 2024

Lithium-ion electrical vehicle batteries                                  Increase rate to 25% in 2024

Lithium-ion non-electrical vehicle batteries                          Increase rate to 25% in 2026

Medical gloves                                                                       Increase rate to 25% in 2026

Natural graphite                                                                      Increase rate to 25% in 2026

Other critical minerals                                                            Increase rate to 25% in 2024

Permanent magnets                                                                Increase rate to 25% in 2026

Semiconductors                                                                      Increase rate to 50% in 2025

Ship to shore cranes                                                               Increase rate to 25% in 2024

Solar cells (whether or not assembled into modules)           Increase rate to 50% in 2024

Steel and aluminum products                                                Increase rate to 25% in 2024

Syringes and needles                                                             Increase rate to 50% in 2024


The report also makes recommendations for establishing an exclusion process, allocating additional funds for enforcement, greater collaboration between the public and private sectors to combat state-sponsored technology theft, and support for further diversification within supply chains.


Section 301 tariffs comment period coming soon

The USTR will issue a Federal Register notice next week announcing the opening of a comment period on the proposed modifications and the exclusion process. Once the comment period is closed and the review is completed, the USTR will announce the final decision on Section 301 tariffs.


U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai to Take Further Action on China Tariffs After Releasing Statutory Four-Year Review | United States Trade Representative (ustr.gov)


Thank you for being a Valued Customer. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your C.H. Robinson commercial representative for further information.


C.H. Robinson